Check the values you entered for CAID and CAMPN - no matching entry was
\n"; echo "found in the database. If that doesn't help \n"; echo " Contact Stansberry - "; return ; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $title = $row["title"]; $princ = $row["principal"]; $deputy= $row["deputy"]; $campn0 = $row["campn0"]; $aorkeys = $row["aorkeys"]; // get real name of principal, deputies $princ = ioc_get_person($princ); $princ = $princ[0]; $deps = explode(",",$deputy); foreach ($deps as $depty) { $depty = trim($depty); $depty = ioc_get_person($depty); $depty = $depty[0]; $depty = explode(",",$depty); $depty = $depty[0]; // last names only $deplist[] = $depty; } $deplist = implode(", ", $deplist); $caid = sprintf("%03d",$caid); $file = "mips-instruct.analysis.php"; // END PHP. ?> <? echo "MIPS-$caid, Campaign $campn IOC/SV Analysis"; ?>

The actual analysis template begins below the thick horizontal rule just below. By this point in the analysis template all you've done is find the first occurrence of the string "ENTER", and followed the directions there to set variables for caid, campn, and analyst. The title, principal, and deputies fields get filled out automatically once you do that. For this example, caid="950", campn="A1", analyst="C. Monkey".

In order for the Last Updated field to work, you have to save your file with the appropriate name, constructed from the caid and campn.
E.G. "mips-950A1.analysis.php" for this example.

NOTE that you CAN NOT save the source of this to disk and use it as a template - all the PHP will get stripped out.
Instead, download the tar file containing the real template (and the source for these instructions) here.

The next stuff you have to fill in is the Outcome Summary

Last Updated:

Task Outcome Summary

ENTER the outcome of the task here, using the categories provided. Acceptable entries are indicated by the html comments for each list element. Explain anything other than Nominal by adding one or more <li> tag(s) and entering a terse explanation/description. This section is intended to provide an instantaneous status of the task, and associated data.


ENTER YOUR ABSTRACT BETWEEN THE <em> TAGS. Briefly summarize the goal of the task, any problems with the data (or nominal if no problems), and the conclusions supported by your analysis.


ENTER a description of the analysis your performed here. This can be high-level if you need to get into more specifics in the results section. State how the analysis supports the goal of the test. If the data were incomplete or inadequate, capture that here.


ENTER the detailed results of your analysis here, including figures and tables as appropriate.


ENTER a summary of your conclusions here.

Output and Deliverable Products

ENTER a a brief description of what you did with any deliverable products from this task, if there were any. This is meant to capture what we do with deliverables such as calibration frames, updates to operating parameters, etc. Your task may or may not be intended to generate such products, so "None" is an acceptable answer.

Actions Following Analysis

ENTER a summary of any actions you feel need to be taken in light of your results. "None" is an acceptable answer.