MIPS IOC Task Cookbook -- Instructions.

These instructions are interleaved into the basic template format, which begins below the fat horizontal rule below.
Download the blank template, the source for these instructions, and the header file as a tar file here.
You can view the blank template here.
NOTE: Do not view the document, and then save source from the displayed version! The PHP portions will not be saved if you do, and those are necessary for later processing.

Italicized, indented comments in these instructions indicate how and where to edit the blank template to create an IOC Task Cookbook that can be integrated into the IOC task tracking site. You can edit the file however you wish, but it must conform to the overall structure given here and in the blank version, namely: all sections, headings, and internal tags must be present. Sections can be expanded to include multiple paragraphs, bullets, graphics, etc., or left blank if they don't apply. In general, you can add to the template, but if you delete anything that is present in the template it is likely to cause problems later, so please don't!
File names; External Files; Link Name Conventions.
Save your cookbook as a file named mips-####.cookbook.php, where #### is replaced with the CAID number of your task. If you have a task that is repeated, just create one cookbook, and use just the numeric portion of the CAID. There will be a submission form available on the IOC Task Tracking Site so you can upload your cookbook.
If you want to include other files w/ your write-up (e.g. images), put the image files in the same directory as the cookbook, and create a tar archive containing the cookbook and all other files it needs. The upload form will accept a tar file and automatically unpack the archive.
All links to external files should have paths relative to the directory containing the main cookbook file (for example):
<img src="./image1.gif">     or
<a href="./sub_directory/appendix.html">
Please try to avoid links to URLs as it will make it really hard to ensure that links on the IOC site are valid.
HTML questions?
Online resources can, for example, be found at:
A number of HTML books are available in the MIPS group.
There are tons of web pages that can be used as templates available on rincon and other MIPS group machines.
Use a WYSIWYG HTML editor (Netscape, Word, Mozilla,...), but NOT StarOffice (it screws things up badly).
There are some linux/unix WYSIWYG html editors available, e.g.:
bluefish http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/ (available as an rpm)
You should be able to open this template within the above programs, edit it, and save it back out as a cookbook.

The first 2 things to do are enter the CAID number and title for your task.

MIPS- IOC Task Cookbook:
IOC Cookbook Template Instructions

Fill in the fields below.
If additional analysts have been identified, enter them as data monkey(s).
For priority enter one of:       Critical,   Necessary,   Desired.
If your task requires expedited downlink (focus confirmation, bias setting, ...), change the Downlink Priority from Normal to "Expedited". Analysis time is how long you need to turn the data around once all of it is available to you, in hours.
Last updated will automatically be filled in when you submit or update the cookbook.
Data Monkey(s):
Downlink Priority: Normal
Analysis Time:
Last Updated:


Enter a succinct (~1 sentence) statement of the task objective.


Enter the task description in a paragraph or two. This could be verbatim from the IOC sequencer description.

Data Collected

Describe the data that will be collected (# DCEs, exposure times, etc.). This is also a good place to paste in the text of your AOR or IER. If you do that, place the AOR text w/in the <pre></pre> tags.

Data Reformatting and Downlink Requirements

If you only need data from a single array to perform the task, indicate which array under Array Data Desired (or All Arrays, if desired).

If you intend to use the UofA DAT you need to specify how you want the data converted into fits extension files. If you plan to use the single-DCE fits files automatically generated by the SSC, no reformatting is required. Pick ONE of the following options by deleting the other two. If you pick special reformatting (probably for an IER), be sure to fill out the special instructions section and describe in detail how many and which exposures should be packaged up in each fits extension file, and how many files you expect to get out of the reformatting process. Make it clear if you are talking about only one wavelength, or if you are talking about all wavelengths when specifying number of files (i.e. one 24um fits file).
See this note about data reformatting, and/or talk with John, Chad, Doug or Dave Frayer if you have questions.

Array Data Desired:

24 µm, 70 µm, 160 µm, All Arrays

Data Reformatting Option:

Special Instructions:

Task Dependencies

Enter all tasks which are required precedents to this task as items (after <li> tags) in the following list. If there are no such tasks, enter NONE as the single <li> item.

Calibration Dependencies

Enter each calibration product needed to succesfully perform this task as items (after <li> tags) in the following list.

Output and Deliverable Products

State what data products will be produced, and what particular conclusions should be addressed in the analysis report. Use prose or a bulleted list or whatever makes sense.

Data Analysis

Describe in detail the data analysis steps you'll take, and what program will be used for each step. Include what particular measurements are needed from each step, and how they'll be combined to give the final result. If programs to be used need to have specific parameters passed to them, capture those parameters here.

Software Requirements

List names of individual programs needed. Somewhat redundant w/ the above, but gives a quick reference.

Actions Following Analysis

State what actions should be taken once the analysis is complete. It is assumed that the report will be published on the IOC task tracker. This section should capture additional high-priority actions, such as passing along indicated changes to operational parameters for the instrument or observatory, archiving calibration data products appropriately, etc. Format however you think makes sense.

Failure Modes and Responses

State potential failure modes, things to check in each case, and what to do if the measured performance is not nominal.

Additional Notes

You can put additional information here.