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Wine quality is not strictly in proportion to price. But we all know that a poor wine with a cheap label is a giveaway even to our least discriminating friends. However, a private-labelled release is obviously a pricey item, and no matter how bad it tastes, everyone will be impressed. We therefore provide free of charge labels you can stick on the bottles of your choice to make them pass for private SIRTF label. Don't use scotch tape! It will look tacky and give the whole game away. Print them on full-page sticky label material, and then no one will be able to detect the swap.

This whole aberration started with a picture of the cryogenic telescope assembly that looked so much like two technicians delivering a bottle of white wine. With the addition of some ice cubes to keep it chilled and a cork, the job was done. Enjoy! winewhite.jpg (72566 bytes)
Fair is fair. Red wine drinkers and spacecraft fans need equal time. We caught the technicians enjoying huge glasses of the stuff from an open caraffe! winered.jpg (76870 bytes)
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