---- MAD ----
Cannot remember all those acronyms?
Getting CDR confused with CIDS?

MIPS Productions proudly present...


The MIPS Acronym Dictionary

Don't get even, get MAD!

AOT Astronomical Observation Template
BOA Beginning Of Activity
BOT Beginning Of Track
CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
CDR Central Data Recorder (Records the downlink data at TMOD.)
CDR Critical Design Review
CIDS Critical Item Development Specification
CLCW Command Link Control Word
CMLB Ceramic Multi-Layer Board
CTA Cryogenic Telescope Assembly (SIRTF without instruments and spacecraft.)
CTIA Capacitive Feedback Transimpedance Amplifier
DB Database
DCE Data Collection Event
DQE Detective Quantum Efficiency
DSN Deep Space Network
EEIS End-to-end Information System (How the data get from our focal planes to your computer)
EOA End Of Activity
EOT End Of Track
EOT Engineering Observation Template (Communicate engineering data to S/C.)
ERT Earth Relative Time
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESDS Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive
FPA Focal Plane Array
FPM Focal Plane Module
FRR Facility Requirements Review
FSW Flight Software
GO General Observer (In the end, gets most of the time)
GTO Guaranteed Time Observer (A big cheese that does not need a proposal.)
HK Housekeeping
HST Hubble Space Telescope (Lots of money in the sky.)
ICD Interface Control Document
IOC In-Orbit Checkout
IRAC Infrared Array Camera (One of three instruments on SIRTF.)
IRAS Infrared Astronomy Satellite (The granddad of SIRTF.)
IRD Interface Requirement Document
IRS Infrared Spectrograph (One of three instruments on SIRTF.)
IRS Internal Revenue Service (Not really part of SIRTF, we hope.)
ISO Infrared Space Observatory (A poor man's SIRTF. On the other hand it is in space and not on paper.)
IT Instrument Team (MIPS, IRS, IRAC)
IUE International Ultraviolet Explorer (RIP)
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
MDIRD Mission Data Interface Requirements Document (Who talks to whom?)
MDS Mission Data System
MIPS Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (The best of SIRTF)
MIPS Multimission Image Processing System (Not related to SIRTF!!!)
MOC Mission Operations Center
MOS Mission Operations System
MOS Metal-oxide-semiconductor (Reads out our detectors)
MRR Mission Requirements Request
MTF Modulation Transfer Function
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ORR Observatory Requirements Review
PCS Pointing Control System (What are we looking at? and When?)
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PI Principal Investigator
PMDSRR Preliminary Mission Data System Requirements Review
QA Quality Assurance
S/C (SIRTF without instruments and CTA)
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
SBRC Santa Barbara Research Center
SCET Spacecraft Event Time
SCLK Spacecraft Clock
SDT SIRTF Design Team
SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope Facility
SOC Science Operations Center (IPAC)
SOS Science Operations System
SOWG Science Operations Working Group
TBA To Be Announced
TBD To Be Determined, Delivered, Designed, Developed, ... (We don't know this yet.)
TBR To Be Resolved (What TBD becomes when you have a clue)
TMOD Telecommunication and Mission Operations Directorate (The antennae.)
TXR Transmitter
UC University of California
UC User Community
UTCS Universal Time Coordinate System

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