Cannot remember all those acronyms?
Getting CDR confused with CIDS?
MIPS Productions proudly present...
Don't get even, get MAD!
AOT | Astronomical Observation Template |
BOA | Beginning Of Activity |
BOT | Beginning Of Track |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems |
CDR | Central Data Recorder (Records the downlink data at TMOD.) |
CDR | Critical Design Review |
CIDS | Critical Item Development Specification |
CLCW | Command Link Control Word |
CMLB | Ceramic Multi-Layer Board |
CTA | Cryogenic Telescope Assembly (SIRTF without instruments and spacecraft.) |
CTF | |
CTIA | Capacitive Feedback Transimpedance Amplifier |
DB | Database |
DCE | Data Collection Event |
DQE | Detective Quantum Efficiency |
DSCC | |
DSN | Deep Space Network |
EEIS | End-to-end Information System (How the data get from our focal planes to your computer) |
EOA | End Of Activity |
EOT | End Of Track |
EOT | Engineering Observation Template (Communicate engineering data to S/C.) |
ERT | Earth Relative Time |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ESDS | Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive |
FPA | Focal Plane Array |
FPM | Focal Plane Module |
FRR | Facility Requirements Review |
FSRR | |
FSW | Flight Software |
GO | General Observer (In the end, gets most of the time) |
GTO | Guaranteed Time Observer (A big cheese that does not need a proposal.) |
HK | Housekeeping |
HST | Hubble Space Telescope (Lots of money in the sky.) |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
IOC | In-Orbit Checkout |
IRAC | Infrared Array Camera (One of three instruments on SIRTF.) |
IRAS | Infrared Astronomy Satellite (The granddad of SIRTF.) |
IRD | Interface Requirement Document |
IRS | Infrared Spectrograph (One of three instruments on SIRTF.) |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service (Not really part of SIRTF, we hope.) |
ISO | Infrared Space Observatory (A poor man's SIRTF. On the other hand it is in space and not on paper.) |
IT | Instrument Team (MIPS, IRS, IRAC) |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer (RIP) |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
MDIRD | Mission Data Interface Requirements Document (Who talks to whom?) |
MDS | Mission Data System |
MGSO | |
MIPS | Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF (The best of SIRTF) |
MIPS | Multimission Image Processing System (Not related to SIRTF!!!) |
MOC | Mission Operations Center |
MOS | Mission Operations System |
MOS | Metal-oxide-semiconductor (Reads out our detectors) |
MRR | Mission Requirements Request |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
ORR | Observatory Requirements Review |
PCS | Pointing Control System (What are we looking at? and When?) |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PMDSRR | Preliminary Mission Data System Requirements Review |
QA | Quality Assurance |
S/C | (SIRTF without instruments and CTA) |
SAO | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory |
SBRC | Santa Barbara Research Center |
SCET | Spacecraft Event Time |
SCLK | Spacecraft Clock |
SDT | SIRTF Design Team |
SIRTF | Space Infrared Telescope Facility |
SOC | Science Operations Center (IPAC) |
SOS | Science Operations System |
SOWG | Science Operations Working Group |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TBD | To Be Determined, Delivered, Designed, Developed, ... (We don't know this yet.) |
TBR | To Be Resolved (What TBD becomes when you have a clue) |
TMOD | Telecommunication and Mission Operations Directorate (The antennae.) |
TXR | Transmitter |
UC | University of California |
UC | User Community |
UTCS | Universal Time Coordinate System |
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