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Point Source Confusion Noise

Condon (1974) demonstrates that estimating point source confusion noise requires only knowledge of the integral source density and of the field of view of the instrument, so long as the point source response is taken to be the "effective beam solid angle", tex2html_wrap_inline203, which accounts for the wings of the beam. In the regime of interest to us, the integral source counts go approximately as a power law with index tex2html_wrap_inline205. In this case, the limiting noise goes as the square of the beam diameter. This steep dependence can lead to substantial variations in estimates of the confusion noise limit if differing assumptions are made about the achievable beam diameter.

IRAS observations provide a direct measure of the far infrared source density. At 60tex2html_wrap_inline193m, Hacking and Houck (1987) and Hacking (1994, private communication) find tex2html_wrap_inline209 objects degtex2html_wrap_inline211 brighter than 50 mJy. Above this flux limit, the integral counts follow a power law as tex2html_wrap_inline213, as expected for Euclidean space. However, below this flux level the most prevalent galaxies become increasingly more distant, and cosmological corrections will become important so that the counts will deviate from the Euclidean dependence. Therefore, a model of the behavior of galaxies must be constructed from the IRAS data and used with an appropriate cosmology to extrapolate to lower flux densities and determine the density of faint galaxies on the sky. The model we have used will be described elsewhere (Rieke, Young, and Gautier, in preparation); here, we note that the source counts from our model are in good agreement (within a factor of tex2html_wrap_inline215) with the predictions of Franceschini et al. (1991) and Helou and Beichman (1991). At the flux densities and wavelengths of interest for limiting far infrared measurements with cryogenic observatories, all the counts behave roughly as power laws with tex2html_wrap_inline217. The predictions are not strongly dependent on cosmological assumptions or on the amount of galaxy evolution when normalized to the 60tex2html_wrap_inline193m counts described above.

Given the densities of far infrared galaxies on the sky, to determine the confusion limit of an instrument we need to determine the smallest effective beam area that it can use. For future missions, the effective beam area should be determined using source extraction techniques appropriate to observations with imaging arrays such as will soon be available for the far infrared (Young et al. 1993). In the following, we investigate whether optimal source extraction with oversampled array images will allow useful data to be obtained in crowded fields that might be considered confusion limited with a single detector. We have taken a numerical approach that allows us to simulate the operation of various source extraction procedures using Monte Carlo methods. We have verified that our results agree with the analytic treatment of Condon (1974) where the results can be compared. In our Monte Carlo simulations, we have combined the effects of confusion and photon noise so that the results realistically model the effects of amplification of the photon noise as the extraction technique operates in increasingly crowded fields. In comparing results with varying pixel sizes, we have assumed that the pixels operate at the photon noise background limit. We have also simulated problems where the required signal to noise is modest, so that small errors in determining the beam profile do not affect our results. These latter two assumptions allow us to address a "fundamental" confusion limit that will not depend critically on the assumed parameters for the instrument.

The definition of confusion limit depends on the nature of the investigation. For example, an astronomer making an unbiased survey for infrared-bright galaxies would be less annoyed at being "confusion limited" in such objects than would one wishing to determine the flux density of a quasar in the same set of data. In the following, we have considered only the second type of observation since it yields the most stringent measure of the confusion limit.

In our experiments, we generated artificial data by drawing sources randomly from a power law distribution N(> S) = C tex2html_wrap_inline223, where S is the flux density and C is a constant. Sources were placed at random positions in a field of 57x57 pixels at an average density of 25 per tex2html_wrap_inline227 diameter beam, where D is the telescope aperture. The faintest sources were therefore roughly only 1tex2html_wrap_inline231 of the flux densities at the achievable detection limits. We left out of this field any sources at more than 1000 times the rms noise level, under the assumption that any deep survey field would be selected to avoid extremely bright sources. Each source was convolved with an Airy pattern of full width at half maximum of 10 pixels and gaussian-distributed random noise was added to each pixel. This noise was scaled with pixel size under the assumption of background limited operation. A test source of known amplitude and with an Airy pattern profile was placed in the center of this "data" array.

Initial tests set tex2html_wrap_inline205. We used a source extraction method closely related to the CLEAN algorithm. The data array was deconvolved by identifying the brightest pixel and subtracting an Airy pattern of amplitude 1/3 the rms gaussian noise. The position and amplitude of this subtracted flux contribution were stored in another "deconvolved" array and the procedure was repeated, incrementing the amplitudes in the deconvolved array as small amplitude sources were subtracted from the data array. The subtraction was stopped when the variance in the data array increased with subtraction of an additional small source.

The program then computed the estimated flux density of the test source in the deconvolved array. The sky level was determined as the average of the surface brightness between radii of 1 and 2.5 tex2html_wrap_inline227, after rejecting all peaks at greater than 3 times the rms noise in this region. This rejection was based on the hypothesis that one would avoid obvious neighboring sources in computing a sky level. The source flux density was determined by integrating the signal within apertures of various sizes and subtracting the sky contribution. 400 Monte Carlo integrations were run for each value of assumed noise. It was found that the optimum extraction procedure in the deconvolved image was to integrate the signal within a sharp-sided angular aperture of diameter 0.5 to 0.7 tex2html_wrap_inline227. Extractions in this size (and neighboring size) apertures reproduced the input source strengths accurately, with no significant biases toward under- or over-estimation.

The artificial central source was selected so that the final signal to noise (including confusion noise) would be near five. This case is appropriate to a deep survey where source detections are achieved down to the limiting noise. For each Monte Carlo run of 400 cases, we determined the rms fluctuations in the estimated brightness of the central source, so the suite of runs yielded the relation between density of confusing sources on the sky and noise in the measurement of the central source. We fitted this relation to the expected theoretical behavior, with the effective beam diameter as a free parameter; an excellent fit was achieved with an assumed beam of angular diameter 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline227. That is, in this application and with the CLEAN method of source extraction, we would successfully predict the total noise of the system including amplification of the photon shot noise if we assumed we were observing with a sharp sided aperture of diameter 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline227. The results were found to be largely independent of the selection of reference field, so long as the inner radius was tex2html_wrap_inline243 0.6 tex2html_wrap_inline227. Our results represent a modest amount of superresolution over the full width at half maximum of 1.03 tex2html_wrap_inline227 for an Airy function.

A second set of simulations was run with a power law source index of tex2html_wrap_inline249, with results very similar to those just described. Again, the behavior is adequately described by the simple theory if a beam diameter of 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline227 is assumed. The experiments described above assumed an extreme degree of oversampling, i.e., pixels of 0.1 the diffraction-limited beam diameter. An additional set of experiments addressed the use of larger pixels. Here, the data frames and CLEAN beam were both measured with pixels respectively of 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 tex2html_wrap_inline227. It was assumed that the telescope was substepped to maintain the same sampling interval as before, that is 0.1 tex2html_wrap_inline227. For example, with the 0.5 tex2html_wrap_inline227 pixels, it would be required that data be taken at 25 telescope pointings on a 5x5 grid with 0.1 tex2html_wrap_inline227 between points. 200 iterations were made for each case, all at the same confusing source density where the previous experiments indicated confusion noise would degrade the photon noise limit by a factor of 3. These experiments produced similar results to those with the 0.1 tex2html_wrap_inline227 pixels, showing that imagers can make efficient use of the far infrared arrays by using pixels that are a reasonably large portion of the Airy pattern. >From other experiments, we conclude that this favorable result arises only if the telescope is substepped on a finer grid than the pixel-to-pixel spacing. In addition, the requirements on the accuracy of calibration and the knowledge of the point spread function will be increased as the pixel size is increased. These factors must all be considered in the design of realistic systems for high sensitivity operation in the far infrared.

Although we have treated our simulations as if there is a hard confusion limit, at higher ratios of signal to noise it is likely that the source could be localized more precisely than in our experiments, leading to a smaller effective beam diameter and an improvement in limiting flux density. Again, achieving these goals will place greater demands on the calibration and knowledge of the point spread function and therefore will depend on the details of system design.

As examples, we compute for an 85 cm telescope at 60, 100, and 150tex2html_wrap_inline193m the rms confusion noise limits due to distant galaxies given in Table I. The confusion noise from point sources with uncorrelated positions on the sky will scale in this case inversely as the effective aperture area, or as tex2html_wrap_inline265.

Table i: Noise Components for 1000 Sec Integrations

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Gil Rivlis
Tue Feb 4 14:43:08 MST 1997