Publications on ADS
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- Williams et al, 2022, accepted to Astrophysical Journal (in press). ALMA measures molecular gas reservoirs comparable to field galaxies in a low-mass galaxy cluster at z= 1.3
- Akhshik et al, 2022, submitted to Astrophysical Journal. REQUIEM-2D: A diversity of formation pathways in a sample of spatially-resolved massive quiescent galaxies at z~2
- Alberts et al, 2022, accepted to Astrophysical Journal. Significant Molecular Gas Deficiencies in Star-forming Cluster Galaxies at z∼1.4
- Whitaker, Williams et al, Nature 2021. Quenching of star formation from a lack of inflowing gas to galaxies
- Williams et al, 2021. ALMA measures rapidly depleted molecular gas reservoirs in massive quiescent galaxies at z~1.5
- Whitaker et al, 2021. High Molecular-Gas to Dust Mass Ratios Predicted in Most Quiescent Galaxies
- Maseda et al, 2021. Ubiquitous [OII] Emission in Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 0.85
- Caliendo et al, 2021. Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Constraining the Gas Fraction of a Compact Quiescent Galaxy at z=1.883
- Garilli et al, 2021. The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: final Data Release of 2087 spectra and spectroscopic measurements
- Akhshik et al, 2021. Recent Star-formation in a Massive Slowly-Quenched Lensed Quiescent Galaxy at z=1.88
- Akhshik et al, 2020. REQUIEM-2D: Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations from HST 2D Grism Spectroscopy
- Behroozi et al, 2020. The Universe at z>10: Predictions for JWST from the UniverseMachine DR1
- Kauffmann et al, 2020 Simulating JWST deep extragalactic imaging surveys and physical parameter recovery
- Hainline et al, 2020 Simulating JWST/NIRCam Color Selection of High-redshift Galaxies
- Endsley et al, 2020 Clustering with JWST: Constraining Galaxy Host Halo Masses, Satellite Quenching Efficiencies, and Merger Rates at z=4-10
- Williams et al, 2019 Discovery of a dark, massive, ALMA-only galaxy at z~5-6 in a tiny 3-mm survey
- Spilker et al, 2019 Evidence for Inside-Out Galaxy Growth and Quenching of a z~2 Compact Galaxy from High-Resolution Molecular Gas Imaging
- Rujopakarn et al, 2019 ALMA 200-parsec Resolution Imaging of Smooth Cold Dusty Disks in Typical z~3 Star-Forming Galaxies
- Bezanson et al, 2019 Extremely Low Molecular Gas Content in a Compact, Quiescent Galaxy at z=1.522
- Williams et al, 2018 The JWST Extragalactic Mock Catalog: Modeling galaxy populations from the UV through the near-IR over thirteen billion years of cosmic history
- Posselt et al, 2018
Discovery of Extended Infrared Emission around the Neutron Star RXJ0806.4-4123
- Ji et al, 2018 Evidence of Environmental Quenching at Redshift z~2
- Pentericci et al, 2018 The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: observations and first data release
- McLure et al, 2018 The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey
- Spilker et al, 2018 Molecular Gas Contents and Scaling Relations for Massive Passive Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts from the LEGA-C Survey
- Lee et al, 2018 The intrinsic characteristics of galaxies on the SFR-stellar mass plane at 1.2
- Kocevski et al, 2017 CANDELS: Elevated Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z~2
- Pope et al, 2017 Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Detection of Dust Emission in Multiple Images of a Normal Galaxy at z > 4 Lensed by a Frontier Fields Cluster
- Williams et al, 2017 Morphology dependence of stellar age in quenched galaxies at redshift ~ 1.2: Massive compact galaxies are older than more extended ones
- Spilker et al, 2016 Low gas fractions connect compact star-forming galaxies to their z~2 quiescent descendants
- Williams et al, 2015 The interstellar medium and feedback in the progenitors of the compact passive galaxies at z~2
- Barro et al, 2014 CANDELS+3D-HST: compact SFGs at z~2-3, the progenitors of the first quiescent galaxies
- Williams et al, 2014 The Progenitors of the Compact Early-Type Galaxies at High-Redshift
- Lee et al, 2013 CANDELS: The Correlation between Galaxy Morphology and Star Formation Activity at z ~ 2
- Cassata et al, 2013 Constraining The Assembly Of Normal And Compact Passively Evolving Galaxies From Redshift z=3 To The Present With CANDELS
- Johnson et al, 2013 X-ray detections of submillimetre galaxies: active galactic nuclei versus starburst contribution
- Barro et al, 2013 CANDELS: The Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 2
- Bell et al, 2012 What Turns Galaxies Off? The Different Morphologies of Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies since z ~ 2 from CANDELS
- Guo et al, 2012 Rest-frame UV-Optically Selected Galaxies at 2.3 <~ z <~ 3.5: Searching for Dusty Star-forming and Passively Evolving Galaxies
- Yun et al, 2011 Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE - II. Redshift distribution and nature of the submillimetre galaxy population
- Williams et al, 2011 On the Clustering of Submillimeter Galaxies
- Scott et al, 2010 Deep 1.1mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE - I. Source catalogue and number counts
- Druckenmiller et al, 2009 Toward an integrated coastal sea-ice observatory: System components and a case study at Barrow, Alaska
- Wilson et al, 2008 A bright, dust-obscured, millimetre-selected galaxy beyond the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-56)
- Knapp et al, 2004 Near-Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of L and T Dwarfs: The Effects of Temperature, Clouds, and Gravity