MIPS IOC Program


The tasks to be executed during In Orbit Checkout (IOC) are listed below. These listings began as Excel Spreadsheets (hence the peculiar format). The author of each task is indicated near the bottom of the spreadsheet and corrections and changes should be addressed to them first. Bill Latter keeps the set of final IOC templates and should be kept informed of changes to templates.

Note that the IOC philosophy centers on checking pieces of MIPS building up to the full-fledged AOTs. The plan has also been driven by the need to fit within 60 days, only half of which is with the telescope at 5.5° K.

Revised Backgrounds: 24um       70um Coarse     70um Fine      160um        

Rev. Back. in Printer Friendly Form:24um     70um Coarse     70um Fine     160um

Telescope Cooldown Profile                                         MIPS IOC Task Summary

Backgrounds During IOC                                            MIPS IOC Task Categories

Provisional IOC Timeline Days 1-15                             Sky Visibility During IOC -- Ecliptic Coords

Provisional IOC Timeline Days 15-30                           Sky Visibility During IOC --Equatorial Coords

Provisional IOC Timeline Days 30-45                          Sky Visibility During IOC -- Galactic Coords

Provisional IOC Timeline Day 45-60

Bill Latter's IOC Review Presentation                            MIPS IOC Data Volumes

IOC Templates By Title (click on the title to see the template)

MIPS_005a CE live tests MIPS_010a Detector alive
MIPS_015a MIPS states MIPS_020a command paths
MIPS_025a CSMM Operation MIPS_030a heaters, sensors
MIPS_035a EEPROM test MIPS_040a engineering data acq
MIPS_045a bias commanding MIPS_050a Scattered bkgrd #1
MIPS_055a scattered bkgrd #2 MIPS_060a Scattered bkgrd #3
MIPS_065a Scattered bkgrd #4 MIPS_070a Scattered bkgrd #5
MIPS_100a First Light MIPS_105a command expansion
MIPS_110a data algorithms MIPS_115a 24um stim response
MIPS_120a Cal stims at 24 um MIPS_125a Transfer function
MIPS_130a Array Geometries MIPS_135a Evaluate AOT - SED
MIPS_140a SED Slit Profile MIPS_145a SED Wavelength Cal
MIPS_150a 24 um throughput MIPS_155a 24 um latent images
MIPS_160a Anneal freq MIPS_205a GeGa throughput
MIPS_210a GeGa latent images MIPS_220a MIPS slew state
MIPS_225a Stability MIPS_230a Bias effects
MIPS_235a 160µm Geometry MIPS_240a Spectral Leaks
MIPS_245a Optimum Bias MIPS_247a GeGa stim response
MIPS_250a CR limits MIPS_255a Radiometry tests
MIPS_260a Read noise #1 MIPS_261a Read noise #2
MIPS_262a Read noise #3 MIPS_265a Confusion Level
MIPS_270a Evaluate AOT - TPM MIPS_275a Verify pipeline Phot
MIPS_280a Verify pipeln Pht (2) MIPS_285a Verify pipeline Scan
MIPS_290a Verify pipeln Scn (2) MIPS_295a Verify pipeln Scn (3)
MIPS_300a Validate Params SED MIPS_305a Pipeline flats
MIPS_310a Off-axis glints MIPS_315a Sky Bkgrd
MIPS_320a Validate Params Phot MIPS_325a Validate Params Scan
MIPS_330a Validate Params TPM MIPS_335a PSFs
MIPS_340a Scattered light MIPS_345a 24 um op temp
MIPS_350a Cal GeGa stims MIPS_355a MIPS cluster test